In my family the girls like to make lists. I don't really write my lists out but I do make lists in my head. Sometimes I'll go through a phase where I won't write appointments down. I don't know why I do that, but everyday I kind of go through my head of any appointments that might be coming up. I usually don't have any problems as far as missing appointments but I'm sure I'm adding extra stress for absolutely no reason.
One problem I do have is with my daily tasks. I have a mental list of what needs to be done and throughout the day I keep running it in my mind. This often makes me feel overwhelmed and unable to concentrate on the task at hand. Here is an example of my list today. I need to clean the three downstairs rooms. I need to go to the store to get cool whip, heavy whipping cream, flour, sugar, wrapping paper and a box. I need to make plum cake for a dinner tonight. I need to make coconut shrimp for a friend. I want to dye my hair. I need to cut up some tomatoes for that dinner tonight. I want to take the boys swimming this afternoon. I have to go to the R.S. dinner tonight. I wanted to help the boys make some cardboard box cars tonight because they need them tomorrow and I have a lot to do tomorrow, so I don't know if there will be time. I need to take the clothes out of the dryer and switch the clothes in the washer over and maybe start another load.
While I'm constantly thinking of these things, I'm also thinking about things that I want to do that I know I can't do today but they keep running through my mind anyway. The main two are painting the living room and cleaning out the fridge. Of course I need to come on here to get out some stress. But even now, I'm thinking of all the things I need to do. I'm fairly confident it will all get done and I know what things I can cut if needed.
Maybe I should make a list on paper. I don't know if that will help. I think I might still run the things through my mind but then I'll add writing the list and checking things off the list into it. I suppose the solution is to give it a try. If I feel like it helps then I'll keep doing it. If I feel like it adds stress, then I'll stop.
As far as today. I'm done with two rooms downstairs. I already have one car made for Dougan and I'm already started with laundry. We'll see how it goes. Dougan just informed me that I need more milk. Okay, I'll add it to the list.
12 years ago
1. List help to keep organized and not get sidetracked.
2. You can see your progress as things get checked off.
3. You can prioritze on paper and put the least needed things on the bottom.
4. You can double duty some tasks and it is easier to decide that on paper. EX: Let the cake bake while the laundry is drying or make a car while the children eat lunch, etc. which is what you probably already do I just like to see it on paper.
Making a list helps you to prioritize what needs to be done. You also get the satisfaction of crossing things off of the list. Don't put yourself down if you don't complete the list. The things not crossed off can be on the top of tomorrow's list.
I like to make lists to organized what needs to be done for a party, vacation, camping, etc. But as far as daily tasks, appointments and homework I have the kitchen calendar and a calendar/organizer with my school things.
i don't make nearly as many lists as the other womanfolk in the clan. However, I do other memorization techniques. For example, if I hav to make a quick run into the store, and don't want to make a big list, I count on my fingers the items I need as I sa the items out loud. Then I repeat them. The I say, I need 8 things. (or however many I need). I even walk through the store with 8 of my fingers extended, folding them down one at a time as I fill my basket. So, anything that helps remember. I used to remember phone #s like nobody's business. I think I pretty much had the ward directory numbers memorized. I remember once Dad said, "Anyone seen the blue phone book?" cuz he was looking for the ward list. I asked him whose number he needed, and then was able to rattle it off for him.
However, I am horrible about remembering dates/appointments. Always have been. Ever since high school, I lived by a pocket calendar. had my work schedule, my sound of friends schedule, my babysitting gigs, etc. Now, I put everything into my phone. as far as the house goes... unless I am deep cleaning with the kids, I don't make a "to-do" list. I simply pick a room and start. I sort of think of rooms in order by days of the week. So, I go in the order the rooms are laid out in the house... Monday, my room. Tuesday, bathroom. Wednesday, Living Room. Thursday, kitchen. I mean, I try to do a quick general pick up every day... but these are the days I have dedicated to deep clean those rooms. Honestly, with work, school and kids, it rarely comes to fruition, but I have a plan, and that always makes me feel good.
I get distracted at work a lot. I have a hard time prioritizing. I will start on one thing, and the phone will ring and the person on the other end needs something else, so I'll help them, and then forget where I was, and start on somthing else...etc. So, I have started going thru a mental checklist on my way to work each morning. "What do i have to have done today?" and whatever is the most important is what I do first.
anyway - don't think I am much help. I don't usually make lists unless it is for a big party/event or huge grocery trip.
sorry for all of the typos... sometimes my Blogger "lags" and misses letters as I type. and I didn't go back to reread before hitting publish.
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