I had my ultrasound today and everything is in tip-top shape. It was so fun to see the little feet and fingers and the little heart beating away. The doctor even said that the baby was photogenic. That would be a first for our family, but he was right, it was almost as if this baby was posing with the perfect profile and everything. I know I would say what the sex of the baby was as soon as I found out but I'm trying to draw this puppy out. So first I'll just say that it's twins. Just kidding, I always wanted to say that, and this is most likely the last time I'll get a chance. SO.....would you believe that we were having a fifth boy? I kind of figured that is what I would be having because this pregnancy hasn't been much different than the others. So when the lady told me that I was in for surprise I just couldn't believe it. She showed me the proof which doesn't mean anything much to me but she was 100% sure that we are having a girl. So now I'm just beside myself thinking about all the things that will be different now. What if she won't like going camping on vacation or watching all the superhero guy movies? How early is to early to shop for pink clothes? What if she hates pink? This is all uncharted territory. The boys are all excited. This is what they wanted, and Tony is ecstatic. Now I am just so impatient for June to come around. I always get like that after the ultrasound. I guess it just helps to actually see it. I'm still only half-way there so we still have quite awhile to wait. So, that's the news.
12 years ago
WAHOO! Congrats!!!! It's never too soon to buy pink. Start her early and she'll grow up loving it. If she doesn't maker her anyway. LOL :D Congrats!!!
Congratulations. I can't believe you're going to have 5 kids. It seems like just yesterday we were walking the streets of Salzburg. :)
Funny... you are the 5th child and you are a girl. Mmmmmm.
Don't buy too many things because people will probably give you things. And besides girls can wear blue.
The fun is in the journey. Uncharted ground though it may be.
Love, MOM
mom - girls can only wear blue if it is girly!
i say that you get her as much frilly stuff now. cuz that way if she hates it when she is older, at least you got to see it in her sometime.
anyway - hopefully someone will give you a shower since it's your first girl.
and hopefully it really is a girl, tee hee. i remember buying stuff, but not too much. thankfully my work people gave me a shower with a bunch of girl stuff. so that was cool. i was all about the hairbows. she loved pink until she was in kinder/1st grade. she still wears it. but she prefers red or purple above pink. and as far as the other stuff - well, kienna likes camping and fishing and building with legos. superheroes? well, there's always wonder woman, right?
just don't let he be too much of a tomboy. you have enough boy stuff-haha!
WOW! Congratulations Sarah!!!! I'm so excited for you. and you really had me going. I thought it was another boy, but it's a GIRL! If I was there, I would throw you a shower. I love baby clothes, and babies too.
i have some stuff that i can give you. it's brand new, never been used. i'll give it to you when you're out here this summer and you can just take it all home with you. it's not that much.
Congratulations! I agree with the other comments, start her in pink right away. Speaking from experience of having 3 boys and the 1 girl at the end, pink is a color you've rarely seen unless you yourself wear it. Chloe likes pink, purple and red. She has some blue outfits. She hasn't gotten into yellows, oranges/peaches or greens.
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