Monday, February 2, 2009


I'm always interested in what dreams could mean but I've never actually looked into it. For some reason I have this reoccurring theme to my dreams. I start out using the bathroom in a public restroom. Somehow, either walls fall or things just suddenly change and my private stall is then open to the viewing of many many people. Nobody points and laughs though and there are usually other people who are in the same boat as me. So I don't feel like totally mortified or anything. I usually wake up though. I've tried to interpret this myself but nothing makes sense. Do I have a secret fear of public restrooms? Am I paranoid and feel like people can see even my private moments? I don't feel like any of this is true. I'm interested to hear what you think?


Ruthykins said...

i have dreams like that, but i'm always looking for a bathroom, but the stall walls are too short, or missing, or there is no door, or the door doesn't lock and people keep walking in. then i wake up and have to go to the bathroom. i guess it's my minds way of telling my body not to pee yet. otherwise i might wet the bed.

EmmaP said...

i always have dreams that i am walking around and realize it's in public while I'm in my garmies. not cool. I think for me it means that I am always on the go, and I worry that I might be forgetting something.

maybe you are worried that people are trying to get into your personal business. or perhaps you have had to deal with some situations lately that have left you feeling vulnerable. or maybe someone is being too nosey and you are uncomfortable with it.

Maybe the fact that you enter the public restroom means you would like to be more outgoing. but the fact that the walls come down leaving you open and vulnerable maybe means that you still have anxiety about opening up to others.

Or maybe you have been dealing with something in which you wish you could express yourself freely, but have felt inhibited.

i don't know about dreams, except that my counselor said that dreams usually only mean something to the person that is having them.


okeydokeyifine said...

I agree with Ruthykins... you need to get out of bed and go to the bathroom. Your mind is telling you it can not go in the place you are (the bed)

Now if you had an actual fear of public toilets I would say something else. But for now, let this suffice.

Now to MY dream.... I dreamt that a man I did not know came into my bedroom. It scared me and woke me up. Then when I had fallen back to sleep I had another dream about a strange man in my bed. What is up with that? Dad says dreams are unexplainable and just weird sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm....if it's a reoccuring dream it's definitely trying to tell you something. Repressed memory maybe? Idk-good luck figuring it out!