Copy this to play too. Just add the ending to these thoughts.
1. I've come to realize that my last kiss...was not that long ago.
2. I am listening to...Phil Collins.
3. I talk...too much around the ones I love, and not enough around the ones I don't know yet.
4. I with green olives.
5. My best to eat at Hacienda and so do I.
6. My first real kiss...was sweet.
7. There is no...end to family.
8. important.
9. Somewhere, someone is thinking...where did I put my keys? That someone is me.
10. I'll always remember...playing ghosts in the graveyard.
11. The last time I really cried was because...I was watching a baby being delivered on t.v.
12. My cell phone...went away a long time ago.
13. When I wake up in the morning...I eat breakfast.
14. Before I go to bed...I check on the kids.
15. Right now I am thinking
16. Babies are...beautiful.
17. I get on Myspace...rarely.
18. Today I...won a contest.
19. Tomorrow I with the children.
20. I really want to be...organized.
21. I am allergic to...nothing but kryptonite.
22. I am annoyed by...those desperate for attention.
23. One food I refuse to eat is...anything with cloves.
24. The most recent thing I've learned is...that the guy with the white hair from Between the Lions does sound effects for Garrison Keeler.
25. The number one thing on my bucket list take my family to Austria.
26. Something I've always wanted to learn to do is...the trapeze.
27. I have a high tolerance for...messes.
28. I have a low tolerance for...rudeness.
29. I family all lived in the same town.
30. The one person I would happily make a fool out of myself for if I ever saw them in person...would be Audrey Hepburn.
12 years ago
7 comments:, um, sorry about #22... i'll try not to desperately seek so much attention.. :)
ha ha ha I didn't mean you. You just naturally get attention because you're awesome. I mean those people who talk loud in the grocery store so people will look at them. you know the type. They say things to their kids like,"I know you want to go to Disney world, but we just went there a couple of months ago. Maybe we'll go in the winter again." Blah blah blah. and the whole time they're talking they look around for other's reactions
number 24: that's fred newman. he used to be on the mickey mouse club back when we were kids. that's where i know him from. somebody told me that i did sounds for "doug" too.
You can get green olives on pizza? I've only seen black olives listed for take-out.
oh yeah, a few places out here make it. It's good paired with ham or just alone. We don't get pizza anymore without gr. olives and luckily the whole family loves it.
Kyle says, "I would rather lick the floor in a gas station bathroom than eat green olives on pizza." I'm just saying.
kyle, you're gross.
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