Today I perfected my cupcake cone making skills. I love to make these for birthdays and anytime I need to make dessert for kids. Today Koen is having his party in class. Of course we decided to make the cones. Around Mother's Day I was making deviled eggs and my sil Darcy said that she just learned about putting the yolks and stuff in a Ziploc bag and letting the kids squish it up and then it's less messy to pour into the whites because you just cut a whole in the bag. Well this got me thinking about the cones and how it's sometimes difficult to get the batter in them without a little mess. So I mixed it up in the bag. It was awesome. The batter came out so easily and perfectly into cones. I already have the official Joy cooking rack and storage container so now I am in business. I actually think I should order another one because I always take more than what fits in the one container. Anyway, I am so happy that I have finally got these already simple treats even simpler to make. What a triumph.
12 years ago
i love those cones. i should make some for me and mine.
Chloe informed me yesterday that we were out of ice cream cones. Looks like I need to buy more. Maybe I'll use some for cupcakes.
i would have loved to make those for my kid's birthdays at school.... however, district policy is only "store bought treats" may be brought in to "reduce the risk of hepatitis". I am like - hello??? who's to say when you buy the cupcakes from the bakery, someone hasnt snotted all over them???
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